which – behold!- will throw up sparks like [burning] logs
Lo! it throweth up sparks like the castles
"Indeed it throws about sparks (huge) as Forts
Indeed, it hurls sparks ˹as big˺ as huge castles,
It shoots sparks [as huge] as a fortress,
and throwing up sparks as huge as tower
Surely it sends up sparks like palaces
Truly, it will throw up sparks of fire like the palace,
It throws off sparks like a palace [on fire],
surely! it (hell) throws up huge sparks like a castle,
Indeed, it throws up sparks like massive tree trunks
It throws up sparks as towers.
It shoots sparks as castles
Verily, it (i.e., the Hell) throws about sparks simulating a (huge) castle
throwing up sparks as huge as castles
Surely it throws up sparks like palace (s) (Or: dry faggots)
The fire will shoot out sparks as big as huge tower
It emits sparks (as huge) as castles
Behold, it throws up sparks huge as castles
Indeed, it will hurl sparks as tall as a (lofty) palace
"Verily, it (Hell) throws sparks (of fire huge) as Forts
Indeed, it throws sparks [as huge] as a fortress
It throws sparks as huge as logs.
it shoots out sparks as large as treetrunk
Verily it shall cast forth sparks like Unto a castle
It will throw out sparks as logs of woo
shooting up great sparks the size of castles,
It (the Fire) will throw out sparks like castles
Indeed it throws up sparks [huge] like palaces
Surely it sends up sparks like palaces
which indeed it shoots up sparks like towers
“Indeed it throws about sparks as forts
It throws out columns of sparks like tall towers,
it indeed throws up sparks like castles
It throws sparks as huge as logs.
It does indeed throw up sparks like burning logs of fire-wood
Undoubtedly, the hell sends up sparks like palaces.
It throws sparks as big as mansions
it throws spits as (high as a huge) palace
It sends up sparks like palaces
That it truly throws with sparks as (big) as the castle/palace
Live in Hell and see how it throws sparks as high as mansions
Indeed hell throws up sparks like huge castles
It throws up sparks like huge castles
Indeed, that (Hell) throws up sparks and flames (huge) as a lofty palace
Rather it throws huge sparks as huge and high as towers
Verily! It (Hell) throws sparks (huge) as Al-Qasr (a fort or a Qasr (huge log of wood))
that shoots sparks like dry faggots
but it shall cast forth sparks as big as towers
Verily, it throws off sparks like towers,
The sparks which it casteth out are like towers
and throwing up sparks as huge as towers
Truly it emits sparks like the huge tower.
It throws sparks as huge as a palace
It throws out enormous sparks.
It shoots sparks like huge buildings,
It becomes a tower of shooting sparks.
It throws off sparks like a palace [on fire],
It spews sparks as big as the castles.
that throws sparks big as buildings.
Indeed, it shoots sparks as big as palaces!
Indeed it throws about sparks (as big) as castles
Fire throwing off sparks as immense as the fortress
it certainly throws sparks like palaces
Indeed, it throws sparks like the palace,
"Indeed it throws about sparks (huge) as Forts
Indeed, it throws up sparks as the fortress
Innaha tarmee bishararin kaalqasri
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